Get Kids Ready for School With These 5 Best Organizing Practices

September 2, 2022

Back-to-school season is upon us! And while some states have already started, others are getting prepared. This time of year can be heavy-hearted for kids, but it is possible to get them excited about school. In fact, getting them involved in the prep work is one of the best organizing practices you can do. When […]

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One of the biggest hurdles people face when it comes to decluttering is dealing with emotional attachment. It’s normal to become so attached to our stuff that getting rid of it can send us into emotional turmoil. You get what is called object attachment. And because you become so emotionally attached to it, even the […]

How It’s Possible to Declutter Stuff You’re Emotionally Attached To

August 9, 2022

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6 of the Best Tips to Avoid Clutter From Building Up in Your Home

August 5, 2022

It’s one thing to declutter your home and feel like you made strides. It’s another thing altogether to maintain a clutter-free home. Avoiding clutter is one of the biggest issues people deal with because they’re not sure how to stay ahead of it. As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, clutter builds up over time. It […]

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I’ve talked before about the links between clutter and mental health. If you want to preserve a peaceful mindset, you need to implement organizing systems in your home. Especially ones that deal with clutter. But what about clutter and creativity? There are many creative people in the world. I would argue that all of us […]

How Clutter and Creativity Are Linked and Why It Matters to Your Process

August 2, 2022

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5 Bad Organizing Habits and Why They’re Keeping You Disorganized

July 14, 2022

Believe it or not, the people you think are naturally good at organizing weren’t born that way. Their good organization skills were bred from learning habits. Habits that help them stay organized. If you think you’re bad at organizing, it’s not because you can’t “figure it out.” It’s because you have bad organizing habits. And […]

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This week, we’re continuing with the topic of moving theme blogs because it covers a lot. While it’s vital to get yourself organized and prepare your home for sale, don’t ignore the emotional stress of moving itself. Moving comes with a lot of emotions. A roller coaster of them. Some will come with the first […]

7 Helpful Strategies You Can Use to Combat the Emotional Stress of Moving

June 11, 2022

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Biggest Mistakes Home Sellers Make and How You Can Avoid Them

May 24, 2022

When you decide to sell your home, it’s a major decision. It requires time, commitment, and energy. And there are common selling mistakes people make when embarking on this journey. Making these mistakes won’t ruin your chance of selling. But it’s good to know ahead of time how you can avoid them. This way you […]

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Have you ever had one of those days or weeks where your brain feels so cluttered that you can’t focus? Does it happen more often than you’d like? Chances are you need to empty your mind. In a recent article by, they talk about brain clutter in relation to aging. It’s normal for our […]

Empty Your Mind and Overcome Brain Clutter With These 7 Simple Tips

May 11, 2022

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8 Things You Must Do to Get Your Home Ready to Sell

May 4, 2022

It shouldn’t come as a surprise for you to hear that the local real estate market is on fire. Many homeowners looking to sell saw their home prices go up by 28% in 2021. And with the inventory being at a record low, it’s an ideal time to get ready to sell. Emphasis on ready […]

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Moving is a hassle for everyone. It doesn’t matter if it’s your first move or your third. A lot of time and energy goes into moving. Not to mention all the paperwork involved. But before you begin packing, before you even buy supplies, I always encourage clients to declutter. When you declutter before moving, you’re […]

6 Worthy Reasons Why You Should Declutter Before Moving

March 18, 2022

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