serving the
greater boston
massachusetts area

One day you realize that you need to downsize.
It might be for health reasons, to simplify your lifestyle or to move closer to your loved ones.
When it’s time, you can count on us. Order & Bliss Home Organizers work with retired professionals to facilitate downsizing and simplify their lives in their new homes.

After years of work and family obligations, you got to a point in your life where you are free to choose. Retirement opens a gateway to diverse opportunities and here you are, ready to plan the future. Behind you a long life of responsibilities, ahead of you a solid financial plan that will help you enjoy this new phase. Now it’s the time to downsize to maximize your retirement savings.

Downsizing can be emotionally and physically demanding. Letting go of a home where you lived for decades might even feel like a loss. In times of transition, it’s natural to feel anxious, especially when circumstances beyond your control are inviting you to downsize. You don’t want to get lost in decisions when you have a full home to sort through or feel overwhelmed after months trying to start. You also don’t want to wait years to get it done. Your home is full of memories and you can count on us to guide you through the whole process of gathering, sorting, purge and organizing to prepare it all so you can move on.

Our downsizing services will help you with this important life transition by:

Full Project Management
Supporting your decision making process
Providing energetic hands on organization
Purging and Organizing your papers to create a filing system
Managing home renovations & contractors
Managing donation and junk removal
Moving Preparation & Packing
Home Staging for Estate Sale
Unpacking with New Home Set Up & Floor Plan


1. You can capitalize on the market (and your existing home) If your home has increased in value you might get more than you expected. Also, if you have a significant amount of equity or you own your home outright, you can use it to help fund your next home. A smaller home will mean a lighter financial load for you.

2. More than one room in your house is collecting dust If you have spare bedrooms or common rooms that haven't been used for months, it might be time to downsize. These rooms cost money in the form of property taxes, maintenance and utility bills.

3. Retirement is here or near Make the best use of your retirement savings by cutting back your mortgage payment. Not only that, but keep in mind that it’s easier to get approved for a mortgage while you’re still fully employed. Why? Your debt-to-income ratio (DTI) will be much higher and potentially unfavorable to a lender if you’re without a steady paycheck.

4. Maintaining your home is getting overwhelming You know how challenging it is to care for a large home: the constant maintenance - both interior and exterior, the cleaning, the costs. In fact, 51% of retirees who downsized cite freedom from the financial and maintenance burdens of a larger home as the top reasons to downsize, according to Home in Retirement: More Freedom, New Choices, a 2014 Merrill Lynch report.

5. You want to enjoy all of your grandkids. Moving closer to family is the top reason retirees downsize.

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